Why Blog?

Photo by The Daily Femme

Oh hey!
Today's topic is my decision on why should I blog? 
I mean let's be real bc side note, I am going to be real in this blog a lot, but I don't live a lavish lifestyle, I don't adventure as much as some, I have commitment issues, I just get through Day by Day*, etc. I could go on & on listing reasons as to why I think I shouldn't. But that isn't what got us here, it wasn't an overnight decision and had a lot to do with me diving in and purchasing my own domain, but I basically started thinking, why the hell not? 

I am aware my husband and sister will probably be my only audience for a while and I am completely okay with that. I am not writing to  the masses here, I am writing for myself. I want to let my mind do something it hasn't done since I was a child; explore, wander, question, and vent. 

What you can expect to read about: 
my life
my husband
my dogs
my job
my garden
my ambitions
my opinions
my recent reads
my meals
my DIY's
and whatever other stuff comes across my mind.

That's all for now.
xoxo, m.

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